
The top 3 states with the highest sales tax rates in the USA

When it comes to sales tax rates in the USA, some states stand out for having higher rates than others. Tennessee takes the lead with a statewide sales tax of 7%, coupled with an average local sales tax of 2.548%, resulting in an average combined sales tax rate of 9.548%.

Following closely is Louisiana, where the statewide sales tax sits at 4.45% and the average local sales tax at 5.097%, making the average combined sales tax rate also at 9.547%.

Lastly, Arkansas Arkansas: Rounding out the top three, Arkansas features a statewide sales tax of 6.5% and an average local sales tax of 2.943%, resulting in an average combined sales tax rate of 9.443%.

These figures highlight the varying sales tax landscapes across different states, impacting businesses and consumers alike. Understanding these rates is crucial for businesses to ensure compliance and effectively manage pricing strategies.

Accounting for Sales Tax: What Is Sales Tax and How to Account for It


